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Company profile

Jiaxing FIRSTEO Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of ethylene oxide sterilization production in China. We have our own technology development, design, production, sales and service department. Our products include the overall facilities of the ethylene oxide sterilization workshop, the pretreatment room, the ethylene oxide sterilizer, the analytical room and the ethylene oxide waste gas treat equipment. Our company has established in a quality management system which accordance with ISO9001:2008 and ENISO134585:2003/AC2009.
Our company is the only company in China that is engaged in: pretreatment - sterilizer - strong analytical --EO waste gas treatment, the whole process equipment manufacturing factory.
We are the only manufacturer of ethylene oxide sterilization that uses hot air heating system in China, and had applied the "utility model patent certificate" (energy saving, water-saving, no corrosion, fast heating speed; which can extend the life of the equipment for 10-15 years).
Our own FSTEO-WQ series of ethylene oxide waste air absorption and treatment equipment was developed with the domestic universities. It allows the low temperature reaction process and reselected the catalyst reacting under low temperature. The removal rate of the waste gas was more than 99.9% after the purification of the waste gas. The emission residual gas is far below the national standard requirements. We have also developed an automatic control system which can join the operation between the waste gas treat process and the sterilizing cabinet.
Our technical engineers have decades of experience in the industry. So we can provide professional man to install, test, training, repair machine for or customer.
We have a large number of high-quality customers: Jiangsu Fresenius Medical Care (Germany), Nanchang Kelinnike Medical Appliance (Germany), Shenzhen DooJung Group (Korea), Nanjing micro-tech, Winner Medical and other well-known Pharmaceutical equipment or other related products ent𓄧erprises in China. We can also provide you with the best equipment and services.

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Contact us

JIAXING FIRSTEO MACHINERY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. - Manufacturer ADD: 2155# Shuanglong Road,Xinfeng Town,Nanhu District, Jiaxing,Zhejiang,China TEL: 0573-82640909 400-8225-909 FAX: 0573-83015060 E-MAIL: firsteo@163.com 230006.com HANGZHOU FIRSTEO MACHINERY EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD.-Export Office ADD: Room 1513, 2nd UNIT,Jintong International Building 1-1, 113 Huayuangang Street, Gongshu District,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,China TEL: 0571-88094898 FAX: 0571-88094898 E-MAIL: sales@china-firsteo.com www.china-firsteo.com
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